News and Resources

Supplemental Trading and Sourcing Liquidity
Outsourced Trading: Helping the Buy side Improve Execution and Enhance Operational Efficiency
Tourmaline Partners: Trading Equity Derivatives
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Trading Small Cap Equities:  Why Expertise and Scale Matter
A Deeper Dive into the Outsourced Trading Evolution
Asset Managers Farm Out Trading as Costs and Complexity Climb — Reuters

A heavier regulatory burden on money managers, razor-thin margins and rapid technological developments in trading are driving many to...

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Outsourced Trading: The Future of the Buy-Side Desk? — The TRADE

Outsourcing hasn’t historically been linked to front-office activities and the buy-side trading desk, but the notion of outsourcing...

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The Four Critical Questions to Ask Your Outsourced Trading Firm — Traders Magazine

Investment managers need to ask the right questions when engaging an outsourced trading firm.  Here are four key considerations...

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Trading Out of the Box ⁠— Best Execution

In the past, outsourcing the trading function was the preserve of the hedge fund community. Fast forward to today and the trend is...

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Supplemental Trading: Expanding the Reach of Buy-Side Traders — Money Management Executive

Broker dealers and asset managers are undergoing a period of significant and radical change, largely driven by regulation,...

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The Buy-Side Trader Is Latest Job to Be Outsourced as Costs Rise — Bloomberg

To a growing number of asset managers, keeping a trading desk isn’t worth it any more. There are the salaries, data feeds and...

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