News and Resources

Supplemental Trading and Sourcing Liquidity
Outsourced Trading: Helping the Buy side Improve Execution and Enhance Operational Efficiency
Tourmaline Partners: Trading Equity Derivatives
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Trading Small Cap Equities:  Why Expertise and Scale Matter
A Deeper Dive into the Outsourced Trading Evolution
Buy side eyes outsourced trading amid Covid disruption —

Seesawing markets are forcing many buy-siders to reassess how they operate, as coronavirus upends the norms of trading. But for one...

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Outsourced Trading — A Buy-Side Solution — Tabb Forum

Buy-side firms increasingly are turning to outsourced trading to help cut costs. Regulation, the growth of technology on the trading...

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The Four Critical Questions To Ask Your Outsourced Trading Firm — Equity Trustees Newsletter

We believe it is essential for asset managers considering engaging an outsourced trading firm, to consider four key areas when trying...

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Equities Leaders Summit Spotlight: Tourmaline Partners — Markets Media

If you follow buy-side trends, you’re likely aware of the rise of outsourced trading. Once seen as an all-or-nothing solution for...

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Outsourced trading — cheaper, safer, better data? — HFM Technology

The trading desk is dead – long live the trading desk.Hedge funds’ push towards outsourcing continues, as the front-office is now...

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Hong Kong Protests Are Hurting the Financial Hub’s Allure as Clients Cancel Visits, Firms Shelve Parties, and Workers Eye Exits — Business Insider

Cracks are starting to appear in Hong Kong's status as Asia's financial hub. As protests continue to rage on over a now-withdrawn bill...

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